hey, im back blogging again and the good news is im not going Ipoh anymore cuz i'll be staying here to continue my course instead.. yippieee =) (common let's celebrate, celebrate.. yuhoooo)
Ok, now for my 1st thing that i need to do before 2010. Loose 10kg's. I tell u it ain't gonna be easy u knw.. gaining weight is goin to be a piece of cake but not when u wana loose them. But, i bet with someone to loose by then.. so Be it!!! heheh..
Some of u might wonder y my post title is as wad above is, cause actually i am a shouter myself and its kinda sad to see more and more ppl left shoutout cuz thy no longer thinks its fun anymore. Most of those people that was in shoutout is bloggers themselves. Hehehe, someone did ask me before why i still stayed, its actually very simple, cause i actually feel that shoutout is not like any other common chat room wud be. They feel like a family to me. Shoutout has different shouters from across whole M'sia and not forgetting there are shouters from different countries as well. Well, ever since i became a shouter i did c alot of changes being done here and there, and its goin to be sad to see shoutout to go ( KabOosh!! ) because tak ada traffik.. hahaha
well honestly, because of shoutout i did made alot of friends from different states, different races and different perspective, not to mention different AGE.. for a person like me, i hardly make friends cause mayb people dun reali like me dat much. But shouters dun care who the hell u might be, they juz accept u for who u are.. Altho there are shouters who beh syok here and thr but its doesnt onli happen here lar, outside oso can happen lar.. But i still stayed with shoutout cause i feel happy talking to them..you knw shoutout is no ordinary chatroom, its actually cool for people who likes to interact, but at times i'll just lurk ard and c wad thy're chatting on. thr's PIC's comment oso available now and the current hottest topics in shoutout are GAMES!! Guy's.... haihzzzz!! tho i loves games but then i dun think im dat crazy over them, so tak ngam topic.. hahahaha... but wud love if i can join them in their game.. hahahahah.. looks fun. well!! Sounds fun...
Shoutout has alot of different types of ppl, there are IT genius, fashion freak, emo shouters, photo kaki's and alot alot more.. u name it yourself. But sadly alot of these people no longer has the interest to shout anymore, and thy left one by one. Some cuz found new website d, some working and no time and some other reasons lar.. Still there are shouters that are still there till now. And thy are the active ones..
Well!! i missed alot of the gatherings tho, but due to insufficient members, we cant really organize SOYEG 2009 this year. Sad... =(
Well... whether you have the same opinion about shoutout as me, you be the judge. Honestly, i feel shoutout can be the best group of friends i known. *better ask lasker to organize more gatherings.. hehehe.
(this is a personal post, not advertising purpose...) hehehhehe =) byeeee
Ohhhh Ohhhh
In the heaRt
Of the night
When it's dark
In the lights
I heard the loudest noise
A gunshot on the floor
Ohhhh Ohhhh
I looked down
And my shirt's turning red
I'm spinning around
Felt her lips on my neck
And her voice in my ear
Like I missed you
want you tonight
Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can't stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I can't be hit
I just can't escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down(my heart)
Soldier down(my heart)
Thought I moved
More than on
Thought I could
Fool her charm
I really wanna go
But I can't leave her alone
Ohhhh Ohhhh
Hear the sound
Of a love so loud
I just can't, I just can't
Ignore this feeling
Said she misses me
And she wants me
Wants me tonight
Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can't stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I can't be hit
I just can't escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down(my heart)
Soldier down(my heart)
In the heart
Of the night
When its dark
In the lights
I heard the loudest noise
A gunshot on the floor
Ohhhh Ohhhh
Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can't stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I can't be hit
I just can't escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down(my heart)
Soldier down(my heart)
i feel like privatizing my blog.. i feel that i dun really have privacy whenever i blog. I've been having a shit hell of a time, messed up in emotion as well. I don't feel like im someone i used to know. I don't feel happy and i feel like a prisoner in my own world. Friends asked me if i was happy with the way i am now, i pause and was wordless. I don't know how to answer them. The only thing running in my mind till now is, 'AM i HAppy?'.
I've been coming to Starbucks everyday, surfing the net everyday and the only thing i feel im comfortable with is surfing the net and blog. But i couldn't really blog about almost anything cause my blog is a public blog. Last time i did thought of making my blog, well at least famous but now this blog has become more of a personal journal to me.
I actually wanted to live in a world of my own, i feel its more comfortable this way. I haven't been sleeping really well cause i have alot of problems which is troubling me and its only me dat could actually solve this problems. I don't want to tell or being questioned for what is wrong with me as it would stir up my temper.
i dun know wad to doooooo
Am i loosing on Hope or am i loosing on feelings. I can't really made up my mind about certain decisions. I have thoughts that has been bugging me for quite some time already. Or to be certain those kind of feelings that has been kept inside me. Something juz struck my mind moments ago, it was not really some Thing, it was more of a person.
My mind is loosing its patience. . . .
I'm loosing focus, I'm loosing the feelings i once had. Now its a mixed up feelings.
errrr.... my mind is like " . . . . . . . "
im gonna be away from technology world again and most probably wont be here everyday facebooking and 'shouting'... OH my god im gonna miss all these so much... even if i get to be on9 it would oso be like once in a while... =.=!!
anyway, my birthday is just around the corner.. another 1more month to go... i dun reali knw wad's planned out and i dun even knw if i wud b celebrating or not. neway some of my girls did say that its a Bachelorette nite out on my day.. so probably i might be having two different events.. one with family and one just for friends. hehehe... A Fat pig will b flying from Aussie.. so gotta catch up with him And one more gorgeous lady from Sarawak. hahahahahha..
I successfully registered in Clara ady is a packed 1yr LONGGGGgggg course whereby sat and sun's at times its offday, off on some P.H.. But X'mas its definitely OFF.
oh yea, im like so in LUV with this poladroid effects... See how niceeee pics can bcm..
Btw.. CHIN MEI MEI happie 21st birthday. 'dai gor lui lor, yu sang sang seng seng zou yan ooooo'.. Its been like years since we saw each other... i think the last time was back in Disted horrr.. den u left to go Kdu den i oso left to go kayelle.. dats when we all lost contach with each other... Now im bek in penang and u're already moved to JB.. =.=!!!
Neverthe less. i still wish u all the best in ur career, ur studies, family and ur love life.. hehehe Cute bf u got thr.. hahahaha.. But most importantly, food luck in ur future undertakings.. Dun forget when u come bek here Must call me out u knw.. Well im in Ipoh dat time oso.. hahahah.
~gosh i duno wad to write liao, im gonna miss Shoutout the most.. its like 2nd family.. wuwuwu~
when gonna hav gathering like this again.. =.=!!! (LASKER mari bergathering )
today im not really doing any updating. just some random posts that's all. Yup im in starbucks again, drinking my Fav classic chocolate. Taste different from previously method of doing it. Heard from suesan dat wen's uncle juz passed away peacefully after a period of fighting with cancer. I hope that wen will be able to stay strong despite circumstances. Juz like her to knw that everyone is here for her.
sigh~ its so boring. i juz came back from facial treatment as usual in Gurney. Had dinner with parents just now in Tao's and after that lepak in Starbucks for a while. Its goin to rain soon. I also gotta leave because i did not bring my specs out today. So clumsy of me. so now im having a lil blurry vision while driving. so gotta be extra careful.
While i was otw back frm penang to oto CT, a myvi juz HAD to race with me. i did not knw he wanted to race until he actually tried to hit my car (not actually hit juz imitating), so i got furious and chased dat car... we were practically racing till we went on separate ways after reaching B'worth. But my car is safe to race cuz i just got my wheel balanced and alignment done.
P.s : i got scolded by my bf for racing just now... =.=!!!
but then.. racing was kinda fun.. hahahahhahaa.. bt its really dangerous cuz a slip of a finger and u wud have been dead.. So dun race..
at time i just dun understand, with tat kind of height u expect to b voted miss. u gotta b kidding. u might have the sweet innocent looks but u surely aint anyone. Dun pretend to b a miss Congeniality while u have a bad character. Hey if u think u have the brains u shud b doing charity instead of going into pagent and did nth for the charity. Use ur looks to get some funds flowing for the unfortunate, and mayb then ppl will rmb u as someone. U're alwiz competiting in all those ridiculous pagents bt din win anything.. my god!!!
Notice the date, it looks almost like the 9/11 date rite. Today i've been sitting in my dad's office as usual but at least it should be better then staying home alone and wasting money by going outside on9-ing in cafe's whereas internet here is totally free and only i have the access to it.
Today is as usual a boring day for me. I felt like a handicapped people when im not working or doing anything except eat, sleep and surfing the net everyday. Gosh!! i wish tat time will fly by fast so i can go and start my studies and end faster for me to be able to come out and work again. Dun feel really comfortable tho without working. No income coming in means no expenses that can go out. =.=!! I still have some leftovers in the bank tho luckily. Afta paying for school and other 'chaplang' stuffs im not left with much but still thr is some lar. I can feel the pressure of competing once again. I love having loads of challenges cuz my brain tends to wear off when i dun often use it for thinking. U knw when u dun really use ur brain for thinking u tend to get more and more dumb. Dat's wad i feel ler.
Today my body feel really restless eventho i get 8hrs of sleep. I woke up feeling a huge burden on my head dat makes me almost fell on the floor, leg was so weak and my eyes could hardly open. Well! i really do hope that in time to come i will b able to keep myself buzy with school, music and church. Oh!!! not forgetting my photography. I'm gonna brush up on that.
Ok now wad's missing in my list.. Let me list down and see which one is still missing since 2007 until today.
- Lappie
- Mp3 player
- Cam kit lens / flash
- Polaroid choco
Today is a Saturday, nth much to do so i was goofing around in Starbucks as usual cause internet at home was not able to connect. Sth wrong with Streamyx or the port probably so there were alot of times especially at night the internet weren't able to connect. So today i was at the same place, ordering the same favorite drink and sitting down blogging. Well the weather over here i pretty hot at the moment. Sun is blazing and shinning brightly. No signs of raining anytime soon at the moment.
Sitting in front of me now is a lady with her kid a cute boy. The mum asked if she could sit at the same place as me as i was alone and plus i was sitting at a comfortable sofa seats. So i told them to go ahead and sit with me. The lady, all of a sudden asked me if i were the same girl sitting here last night. so i said i was and she told me that she were here also yst and that she were sitting outside with a bunch of friends and one of her friend asked her to check me out =.=! cuz he thinks dat im HOT! and then dat lady were telling me when they passed by the mirror outside the place im sitting the lady's friend said 'there, there, this hot chick. Check her out'. Then this lady said that she will definately tell her 'dat friend' that she is sitting in front of me now.. HAHAHA!! i told her to send my appreciation in his compliment.. Well!! its a courtesy to say thank you if someone gives u a compliment rite?
I can't stop wondering and thinking abt the plans that I'm about to carry out. I have alot to accomplish in a very short period of time. But by God's grace im sure that i'll definitely achieve all of them. Seems like everyone is either busy with work, or shopping today and im the only one that is too free to actually sit around here and blog.. But hey!! if not for blogging i dun think thr's anyting more that i could do. Parents went to work early in the morning ady and internet is not accessible at home, so i rather waste my time here blogging and enjoy the environment at Starbucks.
Im daydreaming the day while listening to my fav blues and jazzz.... (LUMzzzZZzz mode)
I'm here stranded in Starbucks for internet cuz i cant have internet connections at home. Sucks!!! And having alot of thoughts in my mind now. My life seems to be having sth that is holding me back in doing alot of things. I stare out of hte window to actually see a reflection of myself on the window. When i look at myself i see nth. I'm supposed to see sth great in me, sth which will reflect someone great, someone who is a strong and someone who is walking the path to success, but all i see now is someone who is lost, someone who doesn't seems to be happy with who she is now. I am not sure what is causing me this. Perhaps when i figure out the root that is causing this i might actually be able to find light in my life once again. I prayed to the Lord and i did actually got alot of feedbacks for all of them. Some which im still figuring out if that is wad The Lord actually wants in my life and some i have started doing ady.
I had accepted Christ into my life a few mth's ago and life has been really great after that. I learnt alot on being a christian and i will never stop learning. I have learnt to be more patient (proven), and forgive n forget. just as written in the scriptures.
If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].
1 John 1: 9
I have quit from drinking, from clubbing and smoking. Praise the Lord for his power. I did all this not by my own bt with His strength.
Colossians 3:17 – "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
today is a very moody weather.. its been raining whole day until now, its still droplets of rain. But i love this kind of weather cause it makes the place more cooling. I've been wanting these kinda weather since duno how many month's ago and now its finally raining season d. so good.
i have been camwhorming alot in the room few days back.. Hahahah!! let u see mayb one of the pics.. hahaha
This pic makes me look.. erm.... i duno.. probably someone could say sth.. hahahaha
Dat day on the 2nd, Parkson Grand is having its 22nd anniversary and whoever is a Parkson Grand Member as well as Bonuslink Card holder gets to enjoy 22times of points. Me and my parents went to Gurney straight after their work cuz mum needs to buy a Sanuk shoe that is a creation of a doctor hich is proven effective in healing those patients with problematic legs (posture oso can). So mum asked me to buy one also since im having some problems with my leg oso. So i bought one oso.. Its not really fashionable type of shoes tho but its good for the legs and alot of testimonies has proven that it really works.
*the shoe is called 'FitFloop'.These shoes are specially made to fit ur feet and u cant buy anything dat doesn't suit ur feet as well. if u're a size 6 u need to wear size 6. nth more or less than that.
So cuz its 22times of points that can be collected, i 'sun bian' went for shopping spree oso lar. Bought quite a number of good stuffs oso lor dat day. Such as my beautiful bag. From Giamax. Altho i never reali heard of it but then i googledit and found out that it is actually a local designers item. that has 38 years of legacy as well. Not bad for a bag. but its not bad as well. This bag is on a 70% discount so i was not hesistate to buy it.. Oh! and yea mum bought one too.. heheh
*this is mine and mum one's are as below. hahahahaha... This looks quite elegant so i juz grab it without a 2nd thought.
So me and my parents went shopping and grab a few household items as well. But we spent everything plus dad's things and household items and plus with our 'barang-barang' almst to 1.4k. but then everything is worth buying on that particular day cause everything u buy is on 22times points and this means 1k equals to 22,ooo of points oso... hahahahahahahahahhah. Dat day is our family's happiest day as its been years since we buy sth so happily.
Oh yea. my luggage which i bought it at very very cheap price. its really worthwhile. So dat day it also helped and served me alot. cause all shopping items i juz put it into the luggage. The most heaviest lappie oso into the luggage. So convenient.. hahahahah....
So if anyone missed the members day that day, too bad for u cuz the 22times of points is only for that specific day. Oh yea forgot with anything u purchase RM150 and above u are entitles for a RM10 voucher. But now u can only get the voucher's i think for cosmetic purchases only and no more for apparels ady... Too bad cuz dat day is really a vy vy good time for u to purchase everything till CNY oso.. even year end sales might not be this good.. hahahha
Anyway this is the end of my shopping spree post for today.. till then.. love u all who is reading this.. =) hope u enjoyed it
today is the 6th d and now only im starting to blog abt things that happened probably a week ago.. hahahah... been going out and having vy good food alot since i came back to Penang and been putting on alot of excessive weight. HAHAH~
have been to my friend's birthday party a week ago.. Wow~ the size of her house is darn big.. hahah. never knew tat she moved ady till i was invited to her 21st party.. hahah. btw here's a Hapie 21st Burffdae to my beloved Yik chuen aka pikachu (nickname) during high school days.. hahahahha
Let's wish her hapie 21st buffdae.. hahah i mean Belated 21st buffdae.. hahahahah. She had two Siberian husky in her house.. man dat's so cuteeeee.. i love Siberian huskies!! Dat nite i went quite late tho. but still i had loads of fun.. meeting friends dat is like haven't met for ages.. and epecially Missy Feng dat lose alot in her weight. (Almost din recognize her) hahahah.. she is almost perfect if she knw hw to dress up.. hahahah... well!! here's the pics fr most of the events day nite. all unedited cuz i still havent buy the editing software yet.. heheh~This is the consequences of being late for a party. So YC and Joe decided to punish Serena by crowning her the Honour of being 'Birthday Princess' .. See her face.. so GAM DONG!! So as a morale of this story, don't ever be late for a party, especially a good friends one if u dun wana end up being in a spotlight.. HAHAHAHA.
This is the crowning glory of a Princess dat eventually got on my head.. hahahah.. Well!! since alot of ppl knw me by the nickname PrincessV.
~ this is two of my fellow CBW-ians.
Family picture of all of us.. plus a few tat has ady gone bk so no pics ~sob,sob... But this is the loudest and craziest gang in CBW batch 2005. We'll miss u all and friends 4eva.
A collection of five horror stories, from the studio that made SHUTTER, DORM, BODY #19, ALONE, COMING SOON, 4BIA. By Thailand’s most talented horror film directors- Banjong Pisanthanakun (Shutter, Alone, 4BIA – In the Middle), Paween Purijitpanya (Body, 4BIA- Tit for Tat), Songyos Sugmakanan (Dorm, Hormones), Parkpoom Wongpoom (Shutter, Alone, 4BIA – Last Fright), and a new director Visute Poolvoralaks the man behind the success of Shutter, Alone, 4BIA, and Coming Soon.
Novice - Fourteen year-old Pey committed a crime, so his mom decides to hide him in a Buddhist monastery to escape punishment. However, something deep down inside is bothering him. Will Pey's Karma catch up with him?
Backpackers - Upon graduation, a young Japanese couple decides to hitchhike around Thailand. They manage to get a ride on a truck, but suspect something strange in the truck's trailer. What exactly is in the back of the truck?
In the End – Four boys are filming an upcoming horror movie. As they are shooting their last scene, one of the actresses dies mysteriously. To finish the film, they have to have her complete her scene, DEAD or NOT.
Salvage – A car dealer makes her living by refurbishing used cars, sometimes with horrific pasts. One night after closing, she discovers her son is missing. Could these cars have memories of their tragic histories?
Ward – A young man is in hospital for a motorcycle accident. He is moved into a room with an old man on life support. When strange things start happening in the middle of the night, he starts to wonder. Is he really alone?
Movie Review:Sometimes good things come in small packages and 4bia (Phobia 1) was a testament to that. The anthology of various short horror stories worked well as it removes the unnecessary padding out of a good horror idea. It allows the storyteller to focus on the crux of the horror that he is delivering and makes a good splash out of it. The four directors of 4bia brought a distinctive flavor of horror to the plate and it was fun to sit through the four mini horror movies for the price of one. Needless to say, at the end of 4bia, the sequel (if any at that point of time) was highly anticipated.
And Phobia 2 didn’t disappoint. In fact, the production value seems to have gone up a notch and sharper story telling. Even though each segment contains a whole new story, if you look closer, there are some sorts of links to the first anthology.
Without further delays, let’s review each of the segments.
It was a strong start for this anthology of horror stories. Novice blends traditional folklores, Buddhist teachings and good old scariness to preach a lesson on redemption and regrets. In it’s short time frame, it deftly touches on kinship, karma and facing one’s personal demons that left a memorable mark. It raises the question of how one would face it’s mistakes and fears. Would they run or would they stand their ground to receive their punishment.
One of the notable aspects of this segment would be the usage of special effects. Instead of overdosing it, the special effects were used quite sparingly and subtlety to aid this tale of 'you reaps what you sow'. The end result of that choice was that it created a surprisingly effective sense of eeriness and dread.
This segment invoked memory of 4bia’s Alone. Both settings are confined to one area and both segments had their respective protagonist encountering terrors from a ghostly visitation. Both were cost effective to make and yet successful in creating the terrifying tension with only two cast members.
What made Ward a notch better than Alone was the revelation at the end. It gave a better explanation to the unreasonable haunting to the poor chap who got warded. 4bia’s Alone’s rational for the haunting felt rather twisted for it’s own good and was a bit of hard sell while Ward’s rational had that fierce angle that it made sense for the ghostly disturbance. What made it even scarier would be that in a country that’s famous for the usage of black magic, this story might be plausible after all.
While the previous two segments uses the unseen spirits to create the disturbing atmosphere, Backpackers was a fun homage to the zombie genre. In a way, it’s similar to 4bia’s "Tit For Tat" (which is basically a black magic tale told in Final Destination style) where the fun is in attempting to survive the mess.
Like any good zombie movies out there, Backpackers wisely do without too much explanation of how the zombies were created. It basically focuses on two Japanese backpacker travelers and two dodgy truck drivers’ attempt in surviving the massacre. The fun lies in the battle for their morality, the unexpected zombies attack and a very bleak ending that screams for a sequel.
Similar to The Last Fright in 4bia, the concept for salvage came from a far-fetched ideology that’s not without it’s merits. Previously, it was a case of what if a stewardess was stuck in a flight with a corpse and the director chose to explore the fear factors by adding vengeance and solitary in that premise.
This time round, the director chose an unscrupulous 2nd hand car dealer that deals with cars that had been involved in accidents. He pushed the horror elements in by imagining what if remnants of those tragedies are still trapped in those metals that had been remodel into sellable 2nd hand cars. In the ghost genre, it’s plausible that those who had suffered within the confine of the metallic box could somehow find their suffering trapped or transmitted in those metal objects. Personally it was an innovative idea blend such 'bottled up emotions' with the acts of a dishonest 2nd hand car dealer.
However the segment was somehow letdown by it’s execution aspect and moments that felt scary in the trailer didn’t managed to excel so much while played out in full. It doesn’t help that the segment reminded of moments from The Orphanage and Drag me to hell. In a way, it’s flawed but still worthy segment.
In the End
After getting spooked for 4 segments, "In the End" was a comedic effort that made us laugh as hard as it was spooky.
"In the End" bears the hallmarks of Banjong Pisanthanakun’s "In The Middle" as it poke fun of the horror genre like never before. It was a comedy riot when this segment self-depreciates the director’s movies such as Shutter and Alone. It even went on to poke fun of overacting in horror films and how bad decisions were made on set while filming. Who’s dead and who’s not? It all ended in a big barrel of laughs and unexpected twist that’s worth re-watching.
Without a doubt, "In the End" sets a precedence and standard for good 'homedy' (horror comedy). Needles to say, this segment is my personal favorite and in my opinion, it’s well worth the cost of admission to Phobia 2.
~Saw this movie trailer. It looks pretty interesting. i guess im gonna watch it since i ma big fan of horror movies.